The Montauk Bake Shoppe Tempts East Enders With Sweet Treats!



KDH is a dessert fanatic! We love to wander in to all of the sweet-smelling bakeries in the Hamptons and try lots of sugary treats. The Montauk Bake Shoppe is one of the biggest contenders for the best bakery title on the East End. KDH popped by recently to taste what all the hype is about!

Alan Steil and his Montauk crew work through the night baking all of the shop’s delicious treats for a 6AM opening. Arguably the best coffee in town, mouthwatering fried jelly croissants, and a host of tempting treats including: fresh bread, scones, muffins, croissants, danish and lunch foods are prepared fresh daily. Summer sees lines out the door at this bucolic bakery, so it’s great to get your sweet on in the off-season!

The bakery is open from March-December, 7 days a week.

MBS also ships their famous Jelly Croissants and Montauk Bake Shoppe Coffee; call 631-668-2439

*Also, Montauk Bake Shoppe CupCakes are available at Dylans Candy Bar;
52 Main Street, East Hampton.