KDHamptons Fitness: Start Your Day with Cooper's Beach Morning Yoga

If you like yoga and the beach, we have good news! Western science is starting to provide clues as to how yoga works to improve health, keep sickness at bay, and reduce stress levels. If you’re looking for a great yoga class, go to Cooper’s beach next Saturday morning for beach yoga! Start your day early and refreshed on this pristine beach with an inspiring instructor named Sarah.
I went to her class this past Saturday and was inspired by what Sarah taught me about yoga.
Sarah uses the acclaimed Wim Hof method, which is a specialized breathing technique that heightens oxygen levels, leading to more energy, reduced stress levels, and an augmented immune response that swiftly deals with pathogens. 
Work up an appetite at Sarah’s class and then reward yourself with a delicious breakfast! You won’t regret this inspiring yoga on the beach to start your day.

Sat, Jun 29, 2019, 7:30 AM-8:30 AM.
Cooper’s Beach Yoga at 268 Meadow Lane Southampton
Bring an oversize towel. Namaste,

(860) 324-4273
Price: 15