Ready To Redecorate? Make Sure You Attend The "Fakes & Forgeries" Event At The East Hampton Historical Society!



Are you a die-hard antiques aficionado? KDH covets shopping for antiques in the Hamptons because we have such incredible stores in every hamlet~ not to mention fantastic estate sales and antique fares that draw designers, decorators and even Mayor Bloomberg to queue up in hopes of finding that special piece. Have you ever silently suspected, “Hmmm, that armoire looks a little too perfect to be turn-of-the-century?” or “Could this little side table really be worth $18,000 dollars?”

Well, here is an upcoming event that you should attend:

The East Hampton Historical Society presents~
“FAKES & FORGERIES”: An in-depth journey into the intriguing field of Antique Authentication

*Program conducted by esteemed expert Charles F. Hummel, the Curator Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Winterthur Museum & Garden (Delaware).

Saturday, April 21st, 2012
10am – 3pm
Clinton Academy Museum, 151 Main Street, East Hampton

The East Hampton Historical Society is proud to announce the speaking engagement of Charles F. Hummel, the esteemed expert on fakes, forgeries and reproductions in the realm of American decorative arts and antiques. This highly anticipated program will be held at the East Hampton Historical Society’s Clinton Academy Museum on Saturday, April 21st, from 10am – 3pm. Charles Hummel, one of East Hampton’s most important historians and the respected author of “With Hammer in Hand, the Dominy Craftsmen of East Hampton, New York”, returns to the East End to conduct an in-depth workshop, taking participants on an illustrated adventure dealing with famous fakes and infamous forgers while informing collectors on how they too can learn to be their own detectives when purchasing treasures for their personal collections.

Charles Hummel


As a retired Senior Director of the country’s most important collection of American decorative arts, The Winterthur Museum in Delaware, Charles F. Hummel has examined thousands of examples of antiques both used and made in America. His connoisseur’s eye for excellence in period design is cunningly blended with his analytical study of historic materials and construction techniques. With his encyclopedic mind and gift for teaching, this program will pull both collectors and the general public alike into the intriguing and high stakes world of antique authentication.

Merchants of antiques may use many expressive words and phrases that are meant to suggest an item may not be what it appears. Caveat Empor! (“Let the buyer beware!”) Charles F. Hummel regards his lectures and workshops on fakes, forgeries and reproductions as Consumer Education. Through story and example, Mr. Hummel teaches attendees useful tools for their own antique sleuthing from his years of hands-on research.

The registration fee is $60 for members of the East Hampton Historical Society and $70 for non-members. Fee includes morning and afternoon programs and catered box lunch. All proceeds will benefit the East Hampton Historical Society. Space is limited. Please call 631.324.6850 to register in advance.

*For more information on the East Hampton Historical Society, please visit:

Check out some of these “Famous Fakes” below….Would you have been able to uncover the truth about these pieces?

Fake Philadelphia Chippendale lowboy, 18th Century.


Fake pair of Queen Anne Andirons, 18th Century


Fake Newport Rhode Island chest of drawers, Chippendale form, 18th Century