Dr. Kot's Corner: Could You Have Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac? Here's What You Need To Know!


Mark R. Kot, M.D.
Who hasn’t in his or her lifetime come in to contact with poison ivy, oak, or sumac and developed a highly pruritic and annoying rash? The most common cause of allergic contact dermatitis [inflammation of the skin] is triggered by the potent allergen urushiol contained in these plants. Many of my patients at Southampton Urgent Medical Care [especially gardeners and landscapers] have presented with this rash following exposure and have required systemic steroids, either oral Prednisone or an injection of Kenalog, to treat this condition.

PREVENTION: Remember- ‘ Leaves of three, let them be ‘. Obviously, identify the plant and then avoid contact with it. Wear protective clothing and gloves if clearing the plant is required. The urushiol may remain on tools and your clothing and tansferr to your skin. And don’t forget Fido, who loves to run through the garden and woods. He may carry urushiol on his fur and transfer it to your skin.

EXPOSURE: Because urushiol binds to the skin within 15 minutes, cleanse the area immediately with rubbing alcohol, irrigate the skin with cold water, and then wash with soap and water.

SIGNS and SYMPTONS: The rash may appear 12-24 hours after exposure and may manifest as linear red streaks, vesicles, bullae [blisters], raised, oozing, swelling and warmth. The common denominator is an intense pruritis [itching]. Tenderness may develop and signify a secondary infection.

TREATMENT: Your local pharmacy will carry many over- the – counter preparations. However, the most effective treatments are topical or systemic steroids. As stated above, the patient is given a shot of the steroid Kenalog and / or Prednisone for moderate to severe cases. Antihistamines will help the pruritis.

*Have a medical question you want to ask Dr. Kot?  Email drkot@kdhamptons.com and look for his upcoming Q + A posts.

*If you need urgent care, visit us at:
Southampton Urgent Medical Care (SUMC)
609 Hampton Road
Southampton, NY
631.204.9600 phone