NEW KDHamptons Diary: Meet Life Coach & Recovery Natasha Silver Bell
Certified Life and Recovery Coach Natasha Silver Bell [above] helps clients find and realize their authentic self, wherever they are on their life journey. Natasha splits her time between the Upper East Side of Manhattan and the Hamptons. She is the mother to three amazing children; Benjamin, Samuel, and Sarah, and is an active philanthropist, loves practicing yoga, and is a front row regular at her spin class.
She shares, “I use my own life experiences when appropriate to help my clients move through their fears and achieve desired goals. One of my greatest strengths is helping mothers and daughters through the recovery process. As women, we have an unspeakable bond and they relate to me on all levels – personally, professionally, spiritually, socially – as I guide them through my 5 principals. Learn more about Natasha’s in her NEW KDHamptons Lifestyle Diary below:
KDHamptons: How long have you been coming to the Hamptons? Why do you love the East End so much?
Natasha Silver Bell: 17 years. I love the Hamptons because of the ocean. The Hamptons are full of tranquility, where I feel a true sense of peace. It’s a paradise where everything is at your fingertips; the best restaurants, the best work-outs, the best shopping, and within minutes you can be back into a sense of meditation when you’re in your peaceful place… your home, the beach, surrounded by loved ones.
KDHamptons: What do you see is the most common issue with your Hamptons clients?
Natasha: The most common issue with Hamptons clients is learning how to think sober in an environment that is constantly filled with parties, social situations, and over-stimulation. All of the parties are notorious for serving the best champagne, tasty Mojitos, and other exotic and fun drinks. It’s really hard to know how to navigate these events while maintaining an elegant sobriety.
KDHamptons: Personal style: do you have a Hamptons “uniform”? Which designer do you wear the most when you are out East?
Natasha: Ralph Lauren is it for me! As of lately, I love MILLY, by Michelle Smith. Her printed patterns are insane. I’ll mix and match a MILLY skirt with a Ralph Lauren silk, white blouse. My go-to tank for the summer is the CREEL-MACK butterfly tank. And I love my all purpose beach dress by Lauren Gabrielson.
KDHamptons: What is your favorite Hamptons restaurant and dish?
Natasha: Having a late lunch with friends at Topping Rose House Hill in Bridgehampton, chef Tom Colicchio’s restaurant. I love the ambiance, the decor, the art, the history. My favorite dish is whatever is in season and fresh.
KDHamptons: Describe your perfect Hamptons day in detail?
Natasha: Wake up to the sound of the ocean, prepare breakfast and eat with my 3 kids, take the kids and dogs (Murray and Coconut) to the beach and have a nice long walk. After I drop the kids off at camp, I take a spin class with Rique, then host women in a recovery meeting catered by Loaves and Fishes. After phone calls and meeting with clients, have lunch with friends. Then afternoon yoga on the beach, get kids from camp, host afternoon play date with Camp counselors, BBQ, peaceful dinner with loved ones. Then walk on the beach, enjoy the sunset, read a book, take a bath, and bedtime.

Natasha’s children on the beach.
KDHamptons: Do you like to entertain at home? Who cooks? What’s your “go-to” dinner plan?
Natasha: I love to entertain in the home! My favorite plan is to host afternoon play dates with families. I’ll prepare a delicious spread of fresh fruit, veggies, salads, anti-pasta, etc. with fresh juices, sparkling water, tea’s etc. I enjoy hosting the families as it creates a sense of community and support for one another.
KDHamptons: What is your little secret about the Hamptons?
Natasha: There aren’t many secret spots left in the Hampton due to gps navigation devices. Now, I find my secret places in the moments when I’m with the ones I love.

KDHamptons: Please describe your Hamptons home and decorating style? Favorite item?
Natasha: Ralph Lauren. Modern, fresh, clean, and simple. My favorite items are Ralph Lauren cashmere blankets and pillows. I also love shopping at Comerford Hennessy in Bridgehampton, and Jed in Sag Harbor.
KDHamptons: If you could invite three people to your Hamptons home for dinner, whom would you choose?
Natasha: Maya Angelou, Moses, and George Washington.
Natasha is a regular contributor to the blog at The Partnership at You can read her blog here:, or go to