The Bikini Bottom Workout: 7 Best Lower-Body Blasters ~ No GYM Necessary!





We are thrilled to share that Shape magazine will be contributing fantastic fitness & wellness features throughout the summer, keeping KDHamptons readers looking their best on the beach! This week: Shape up your glutes, hips, thighs, and lower belly with this do-anywhere circuit by Jessica Smith. This circuit workout is designed to tighten and tone all the muscles on display in those teeny bikini bottoms, including your lower back, abs, hips, thighs, and glutes. The best part? You don’t need any equipment, so you can do these moves anytime, anywhere ~ even at Coopers Beach! See you there….



The Bikini Bottom Workout: 7 Lower-Body Blasters

How it works: After a brief dynamic warm-up [try 3 to 5 minutes of basic moves like marching or jogging in place, jumping jacks, and squats], do the moves below in a circuit format [back to back, with little or no rest in between] for the recommended number of reps. Do the full circuit 3 times total. For the next five weeks, do this workout four non-consecutive days per week, pairing it with your favorite cardio activity on the other three days.




Bottom Line Shaper Reps: 20 per side

Stand with feet together, arms crossed at chest. Lift left heel and push hips back to lower into a squat. Staying in the squat, extend left leg straight out to side of body, toes pointed. Bring leg back to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 20 reps, and then repeat on opposite side.





Zip and Lift Reps: 20

Lie face up with hands behind head, legs extended straight above hips, toes turned out (heels should touch). Lift head and look towards legs. Brace abs in tight and lower legs toward the floor at a 45-degree angle (avoid arching lower back). With control, return legs to start position, tilt pelvis up, and lift hips off the floor. Do 20 reps.





Waistline Whittler Reps: 20 per side

Lie on your right side with upper body propped up on right forearm, right knee bent, left leg extended, hips stacked. Lift hips off the floor as you bend left elbow and left knee, tapping left elbow to left thigh. You should feel this in your left obliques. Return to start. Do 20 reps, and then repeat on opposite side.






Backside Booster Reps: 20 per side

Begin in a split stance with right foot forward, knee bent, and left heel lifted behind you. Engage abs and, keeping spine naturally straight, hinge forward from hips, extending both arms overhead, palms facing in (lower until chest is almost parallel to the floor). Return to start, lowering arms by sides. Do 20 reps, and then repeat on opposite side.




Pretzel Side Kick Reps: 30 per side

Sit with right leg bent in front of body, left leg bent behind body, knees open to the sides and toes pointed. Palms should be pressed into the floor. Hinge slightly forward with upper body and lift left leg off the floor as high as possible. Extend left leg out to the side, then bend knee back behind body (keeping leg lifted). Do 30 reps, and then repeat on opposite side.




Extending Frog Reps: 20

Lie face down with hands behind head, knees bent and slightly turned out, feet flexed, and heels pressed together. Extend spine, lifting chest and thighs off the floor, reaching arms back to legs, pulling heels closer in towards body [keep heels pressed together]. Return to start. Do 20 reps.




Rear Attitude Reps: 30 per side

From a kneeling position, lower elbows and forearms to the floor and clasp hands together, crossing left knee behind right. Brace abs in tight and raise left leg into a rear attitude position by lifting leg behind hip, turning knee out to the side [stabilize torso by engaging abs and pressing forearms firmly into the ground during the entire movement]. Return to start. Do 30 reps, and then repeat on opposite side.


Photography by: Vanessa Rogers


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