KDH LIFESTYLE: Hamptons Health Coach Rachel Graham Shares Great Health, Wellness & Diet Tips To Kick Off 2013!



New Year’s Resolutions! How many of them have you made this year and how many have you already broken? TSSK TSSK!!!


Many of us choose resolutions that have to do with health, wellness, and diet. So, as we begin 2013, KDH checked in with Health Coach [and Water Mill resident] Rachel Graham to find out how we can make the most of this year. Rachel guides clients to find the food and lifestyle choices that best supports their personal goals.


So, if you are like the millions of people who look towards the new year as a time to make goals and find true happiness- what are you waiting for? A healthy body, mind, and spirit are easy to attain. Rachel shares, “Life is a series of moments, seconds, and minutes. You have to live each one to succeed. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present!”


Make the most of today and live a happy, healthy 2013! To become healthier, happier, and more fit in 2013, here are some of Rachel’s helpful tips to kick off the new year:



#1.  Only eat when sitting down!

“I remember when my son was a toddler,” say Rachel, “I would feed him cut up pieces of grilled cheese as he ran around the living room playing. There were times that I fed him in the stroller as we were going to a kid’s class. At the time, I didn’t think this was too bad (at least he was eating, right?). I soon realized that this was not the pattern I wanted him to adopt. How many times do you eat on the go? How many times do we grab an “energy” bar or a quick “shake” because we are on the run? How many times do you pick off your kids plates while they eat? We tend to eat mindlessly and “graze” more when we stand up. Sitting down encourages us to be present and eat with more focus. This can prevent us from overeating!”



#2. Use smaller dinner plates.

“We all know how American’s like to supersize our meals. And, we are all aware of the movement to downsize our portions. Research has shown that using smaller plates leads to taking smaller portions. If you are trying to avoid overeating, use a smaller plate. For example, instead of using a bowl for your soup, use a mug.”



#3. Park your car in the back of the parking lot.

“I live between NYC and the Hamptons. In Manhattan, I walk to the grocery store, but, I have to admit that when I am in the country, I try to park as close to the store entrance as possible. In order to get a bit more exercise into your busy day, park farther away and walk to and from the store.”



#4. Take the stairs.

“How many times do you opt for the elevator or escalator? Take the stairs! This will give your legs and lungs a workout.”



#5. Drink green tea.

“There are a multitude of health benefits of green tea. Warding off cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke and dementia are some of the benefits of green tea.”



#6. Sign up for a 5K

“Not a runner? Walk. By signing up for an activity you will be more accountable to train and get your shoes on!”



#7. Give up soda.

“Replacing soda with water each day will make a huge difference to your health. I don’t need to say anymore about this!”



#8. Give your spouse, your partner, your children one compliment a day.

“It’s easy to nitpick and criticize. Make a positive change in your relationships by offering one nice and thoughtful compliment. They will look at you crazy and think you have fallen off the deep end, but it will be appreciated in the long run!”



#9. Find more positive friends.
“Surround your self with people who make you feel great, warm, happy and comfortable. You will notice a big difference in your energy when you are with them!”



#10. Take a class.

“Whether it’s yoga, dance, cooking, photography, jewelry making, swimming or creative writing. Anything that you are interested in and want to learn about is great! It will keep your mind healthy and it’s important to keep learning new things!”



#11. Make a “Meatless Monday” plan.

“One day a week of freeing your diet from animal products can make a tremendous difference to your health and to our environment.”



#12. Read more!

“We are all so connected to our “gadgets” that we lose track of down time. Make time to turn off electronics and read a book. Don’t wait til the beach vacation (although that sounds pretty good to me!). Feel the difference it makes in your mental and brain health.”



#13. Start a journal.

“You don’t have to write a novel (although you can if you want!). It’s great to jot down your thoughts, feelings, and goals.”


**TO LEARN MORE ABOUT RACHEL GRAHAM PLEASE GO TO: http://www.livehealthynyc.com