January 30, 2016
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Trivia Night at Townline BBQ!

Looking for something different to do on a chilly winter night in the Hamptons? Hit up Trivia Night every Thursday at Townline BBQ in Wainscott, starting at 7pm, where teams of up to 5 people compete in 6 rounds of various themes. In addition to a current events round, there’s always an activity round (that can involve everything from naming company logos to labeling the parts of a frog) and an audio round (name the song, name the movie, etc). The cost is $10 per person to play and that money gets pooled. The 1st place team takes 60% of the pot, the 2nd place team takes 30% of the pot and the 3rd place teams walks away with 10%. There’s also a season long trophy (affectionately called “The Golden Pig”) that is awarded to the team that does the best throughout the season (it goes all the way up to the week before Memorial Day weekend).